Incomplete medicine reconciliation during hospital stay

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Problem One-liner

Lack of a centralized system for tracking patients' medications leads to fragmented information, making it challenging for hospital admitting teams to accurately reconcile a patient's outpatient medications upon admission.

Problem Description

When patients are admitted to a hospital, a crucial step is conducting a medical reconciliation to thoroughly document all outpatient medications that the patient has been taking. This process is essential for ensuring continuity of care and preventing medication errors. However, a significant obstacle often arises, particularly for patients with complex medication regimens: many patients are unable to accurately recall all their medications and their specific dosages.

The responsibility to compile a complete medication list then falls on the shoulders of the admitting team. This can be a daunting task, as it often involves extensive investigative work. The team may need to contact multiple sources to gather the necessary information. These sources include:

  1. Pharmacies: Patients may use several pharmacies, and each pharmacy only has a record of the medications they have dispensed, not the complete medication profile.

  2. Caregivers: In some cases, caregivers may have partial or full knowledge of the patient's medication regimen, particularly in the case of elderly or cognitively impaired patients.

  3. Primary Care Physician's Office: The patient's primary care doctor may have records of prescribed medications, but these records might not be fully up-to-date or include over-the-counter medications and supplements the patient may be taking.

This fragmentation across different systems leads to significant challenges in ensuring accurate medication reconciliation, which is critical for patient safety and effective care coordination.


Root Cause Analysis: 5 Whys

The 5 Whys process in root cause analysis involves repeatedly asking "Why?" five times to drill down into the root cause of a problem by exploring the cause-and-effect relationships underlying the issue.

The problem: Incomplete medication reconciliations in inpatient settings.

  1. Why?: patients, especially those with complex medication regimens, frequently do not know all the medications they take and their dosages.

  2. Why?: there’s often a lack of effective communication and education about medication management for patients, and patients may have multiple prescriptions from different healthcare providers that are not centralized.

  3. Why?: healthcare systems and providers may not have the resources, time, or standardized procedures in place to ensure that patients are fully informed and educated about their medications.

  4. Why?: the healthcare system is often fragmented, with different entities (hospitals, pharmacies, primary care, specialists) operating independently without a unified approach or shared system for patient information.

  5. Why (root cause)?: there is no universally adopted system or mandate that requires the integration of patient medication information across different healthcare entities, leading to disjointed record-keeping and communication.

Impact Analysis

Impact analysis is the assessment of the potential consequences and effects that changes in one part of a system may have on other parts of the system or the whole.

  • Patient: Without a complete and accurate medication list, patients are susceptible to adverse drug interactions, overdoses, or underdoses, which can result in worsening health conditions, prolonged hospital stays, or even life-threatening situations. The lack of precise medication information can also lead to ineffective treatment plans, as physicians might unknowingly prescribe medications that interact negatively with the patient's current regimen.

  • Clinician or Provider: Incomplete medication records significantly increase the likelihood of medical errors, which can have serious consequences for patient health and lead to professional liability issues. Physicians often have to spend extra time and resources trying to piece together accurate medication histories, which can be a laborious and time-consuming process. This additional workload can lead to increased stress and burnout among healthcare professionals, potentially impacting their ability to provide quality care to all their patients.

  • System: The system suffers from inefficiencies due to the time and resources spent on rectifying incomplete medication lists. This inefficiency can lead to increased healthcare costs, as additional tests or treatments may be required to address complications arising from medication errors. Hospitals and healthcare facilities may also face financial penalties and damage to their reputation if medication reconciliation errors result in patient harm.

Potential Solutions

  • Development of Integrated Databases:

    • Establish a unified healthcare database that integrates data from various pharmacies, healthcare providers, and caregivers.

    • Ensure the database allows for real-time updates and access, providing a complete and current view of a patient’s medication history.

    • Implement strict privacy and security protocols to protect sensitive patient information while allowing authorized medical professionals access to necessary data.

  • Utilization of Technology:

    • Implement EHRs capable of interfacing seamlessly with different pharmacies and healthcare providers.

    • Develop functionalities within EHRs to automatically update and synchronize medication lists whenever a new prescription is filled or a change is made by any healthcare provider.

    • Encourage widespread adoption of these EHR systems across healthcare facilities and pharmacies to ensure consistency and completeness of medication data.

  • Standardization and Policy Reform:

    • Advocate for and develop standardized protocols for medication data entry and sharing across healthcare systems.

    • Work with government bodies, healthcare providers, and insurers to reform policies that facilitate the sharing of medication information while maintaining patient privacy.

    • Provide incentives for pharmacies and healthcare providers to participate in the integrated system, including financial incentives, streamlined workflows, and improved patient care outcomes.

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Please be advised that the content expressed within 'Inefficiency Insights', including all views and opinions, are solely those of the author and do not represent or reflect the views, policies, or practices of the institution with which the author is affiliated. The inefficiencies and related matters discussed in this newsletter are synthesized from a variety of sources, including but not limited to academic journal articles, generalized patient experiences, and the author's cumulative experiences in the healthcare sector over several years, and should not be construed as specific to or indicative of the practices at the author's place of employment.


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